Thursday, November 24, 2011

2009 Photo of 2 Greys and Their Craft Submitted to MUFON on Nov.17, 2011

Date of incident and photograph: August 13, 2009
Location: The southern slope of Green Mountain, WA.
MUFON Case # 33393

The 1st photo is the relevant portion of the original. I doubled the original resolution of 180 DPI to 360, and at the same time I doubled the size of the image. I also adjusted the 2 levels slightly to the true bases of the histogram.

The next 2 photos were optimized for the web, that is I reduced their resolution to 72 DPI, and increased their size by the same ratio that I decreased their resolution, so their file sizes remained the same as the originals (76k). I then slightly adjusted the levels.

The final 2 photos are the middle 2, converted to grayscale, and with their Brightness increased by 10% and Contrast increased by 25%.

The following report, ( in quotation marks ), was submitted to on November 17, 2011. 

My comments are not in quotation marks. 

Titled by the submitter :  ( 2009-08-13 )   I nor anyone I was with remember the event , wich in itself concerns me 

"Day trip to the mnts. 4 or 5 of us. We all felt like we werent up there for as long as the clock was saying. My brother had to get to work by 4pm. He was worried about being late all day, so I know we didnt just let it slip by. About two weeks later I was reviewing some pic on my camera and found the craziest picture. At first I wondered what it was I was photographing. The pic was just trees the side of a cliff and the sky, but when my eyes saw what I thought they saw my jaw dropped. To the right of the picture are two beings I understand you call greys. One is holding what appears to be some sort of testing device, and the other is directly behind the first."

The being in front is facing to the right (slightly to its left), holding a device. The being behind it is facing the photographer. Its right eye is visible just to the left of the head of the being in front. This is more apparent in the grayscale photo.

 "looking straight at me. creepy. I can remember the exact spot where I parked my jeep, I can remember my girlfriend asking why I was stopping, and I remember leaning on my jeep while I took this picture. I can not remember seeing it though. I havto have seen it. why else would I take a picture of the hill!"

That is evidence of some powerful 'Mind Control'.

"Another thing, knowone else remembers anything. I have been up there twice since. the last time was about two weeks ago. The dirt road is now blocked half way up. If you google (green mnt. road washington you will see half the mnt. when you get to the point on the road I took the picture,its blacked out. I will be going back up soon to see what else I can remember, and to see what I can find."

Apparently the submitter didn't recognize the craft in the upper left of the photo excerpt. The downward-pointing triangle of 3 'white lights' under the craft could be part of its landing apparatus. The grayscale photo clearly show that the craft is much darker than the surrounding vegetation. Its size indicates it may be 'only' a transport.

The photo is available at:
If you can't get it there, write to me at

The report is available here, for verification:

There are 3 locations known as 'Green Mountain' in Washington State. The one I think the submitter is referring to is the Green Mountain in or near the Baker National Forest, in the northwestern part of the state. It's about 17 miles east of the town of Darrington.

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This Green Mountain is more than 6500 feet high. Google Earth show a road leading to the southeastern face, along an height of a little over 3500 feet. Green Mountain Road leaves the valley floor at about 1400 feet, and "half way up" is probably around 2500 and 2600 feet.

The 2 Green Mountains in the southwest part of the state are much lower and are surrounded by settled areas. However, all the information on this remarkable incident is what you see here. So I can't say for sure that this is the Green Mountain in question.

This is the best photographic evidence I have seen in some time. The submitter may have special circumstances which has allowed him/her to have retained the memories of the incident.

"We don't know one millionth of 1% about anything."  Thomas Edison

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Group Of Small Discs Produce Mental Effects, 1974 Abduction Into Craft Witnessed, 1980 Very Close To 2 Very Low Discs

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In the mid 1960's in east central South Carolina, a group of small, low discs produced severe and prolonged mental effects on 2 witnesses. The following was reported to MUFON on April 23, 2011 (edited here for brevity). Report #28778  "Three to five brightly lite up discs flying around each other over a field as if playing a game or just having fun flying."

"I was a very avid coon hunter during my teenage years. My friends and I went with an older man and his buddy who could holler real loud to get us out the woods when we went to a tree to get the coon. The older man owned a couple of real good coon dogs that we hunted with. Buck and Sally were the dogs names. We always hunted at night. The older men, Mr. Maxie and Bobby have been deceased for years now. This experience happened in the Winter of 1964 or 1965. I was 16 or 17 years old. Two of us went . . .  that night. . . . We went to a place we called the blowup a few miles from Turbeville { east or west? } off Hwy. 378. We drove around behind a house to the edge of the woods where we stopped and built a fire for Mr. Maxie and Bobby to stay warm and let the dogs out to hunt. We usually went hunting around 7:00 pm or a little later. . . . The two of us got our flashlights and the rifle and left out to go to the dogs. These dogs were very good and there was always something in the tree or had been in the tree if they treed. Most of the time, it was a coon, but ocassionly they would tree a possum or a wildcat. The blowup was were a dam used to be that had been blown up with dynamite sometime in the past. We made our way through the woods down what I call some old cow trails to the blowup. The water was not very high and we crossed the blowup to the other side. . . . We made our way on through the woods following the dogs barking. We finally came out the woods on the other side to an open field with a line of trees going out to our left and the woods extending on out to our right where the dogs had treed. We followed this line of trees to our left for maybe two or three hundred yards. The dogs were over to our right. We were still on a trail. We started to cross over to where the dogs were treed when they just quit barking. We were puzzled as to why this had happened because it rarely happened with these dogs. We were standing there beside this line of trees to our left when I spotted some discs over the field on the other side of this line of trees. We walked closer to the tree line and looked up at the discs flying around up there at incredible speeds making impossible manuvers that aircraft today cannot think about doing. The discs were well lite up with white light as best as I can remember. They were a few hundred yards out over the field and probably around 300 to 500 feet up in the air. As best as I can remember, they were a little bigger than a big car in a disc shape. We were dumbfounded at this sight. We really didn't know how to react or what to do since we knew we were observing flying saucers. As best as I can remember we watched them for around five or ten minutes and decided about the same time we needed to get out of there. I had the feeling they knew we were there. I remember leaving to get back to the fire and things are very fuzzy after that. This was not a huge woods to get lost in and we were very experienced at going in the woods at night and coming back out. We were probably only 20 or 30 minutes walk from the starting point at the fire. For some unknown reason we could not get out of those woods and find our way back to the the fire for three or four hours. I don't remember hearing Bobby holler or the car horn blowing during this time. We were confused and could not get out the woods. This is mostly lost time to both of us trying to get out the woods. We finally got back to the fire. Mr. Maxie and Bobby said they were about ready to go get a search party to come find us if we hadn't come out when we did. We kept this experience to ourselves for years . . . I have never had any dreams or thoughts about being abducted and I don't think we were. It just seems something confused us and we were not able to find our way out the woods for those hours. This is my only encounter with UFOs in my life. One thing that is different from many other sightings I have seen in programs on TV is that they did something to our minds to confuse us for a few hours. I know they are real and people will still look at me funny when I tell them this story. It happened and they are real."

On April 23, 2011, the following was reported to MUFON. The date of the event was given as 1974-10-07, and apparently there were 2 witnesses to an alien abduction in southeastern Pennsylvania. The report is similar to what the Secretary General of the United Nations and his CIA security detail saw in New York City during the early morning hours of November 30, 1989 (as described in Budd Hopkin's book Witnessed - The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions.)

"i worked 2nd shift,til midnight,after work i or we would get a 6 pack of beer & ride around to unwind or go park somewhere & sit . so this night we went to the top of the highest point in the area & sat & talked about work,etc.& we were enjoying the view of the country around us, had just opened the 1st beer, when my friend ernie said ,do you see that bright light over towards New Freedom {PA}. i sure did, it was very very bright & shiney. it was hovering with a slight motion going to & fro. we watched it a good while, Ernie says i really don't think thats a helicopter or airplane, i totally agreed. then it shined a bright beam of light towards the earth, we watched in disbelief, after a few minutes we noticed something being brought up into the craft. i was so scared but kept watching. we said very little. it just hovered there for quite awhile. then what or whoever they brought into the craft was being lowered back down. with the bright beam, then after that there was a bright beam coming from the earth towards the craft & then it stopped. we sat there & watched a little longer then the craft started moving southward. i had a willy's jeep with the top off. it was still pretty warm then. we decided to try to follow it. we got to the bottom of the hill & tore up the road & caught up with it in our sight. we followed it into the state of Maryland, Baltimore county. we followed it to the Prettyboy resivior. it stopped again for a minute & then it was gone, it took off in a flash.gone !!! ernie said to me, i don't think you should tell anybody about what we saw, they'll never believe us. i never did tell anyone til years later. but i remember it like it was testerday, i'm 60 now & i should let it out. before this happened , i saw a ufo coming home from work at midnight. in the same area. it was huge a bright orange color & it was like quivering. thats the only 2 times i've seen ufo's, but i know what i saw . . .."

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The following report was submitted to MUFON on May 3, 2011. Case #28925  occurred on October 16, 1980  in east central Wisconsin.   'Close encounter for 30 minutes' – up close to 1 then 2 very low discs

" . . .  I saw a strange light through the other bedroom window off in the distance. I was watching it because it was doing very strange things. It was making geometic type movements in the sky like circles, triangles, etc. . . . this light was not behaving as an airplane would behave.
. . . it came closer to the house. Now it appeared as a very bright white -yellowish light, almost too bright to look at. At this point it was about 200 feet from the house hovering just above tree top level. There was a lone tree in the field next to the house that enabled us to judge it's size and distance accurately. It appeared to be close to the tree and just above it.
As we sat there watching it it emitted a search light rotating around on the ground and the area as though it were looking for something. As the light came around it shown right into our bedroom window. It made quite a number of rotations. We looked at each other in disbelief. At this point we decided to run ouside to get a better look.
It was cold and still, not even the slightest breeze. I could hear the traffic from the highway which was a mile away {to the west}. The night sky was crystal clear. We lived in the country on a dead end road far from city lights. We had a very clear veiw of the sky since we lived on the top of the highest hill the county. . . .
The craft made no sound of any kind. I felt no moving air from it. If it had been a helicopter we would have been deafened by the noise and barraged with dust and air from the propellers at that close range.
As it hovered, it was getting less bright and we could make out more details of the craft. It was disk shaped with a higher area on the top. There were red lights or windows around the top part. As we watched it we could see more details. The red lights looked more like windows with a red light inside it like a dark room that photographers use. I could see five or six silouhetted human like figures inside it moving around. Some of them seemed to be looking at us as we looked at them. The under side of the craft remained faintly glowing with the white yellow light.
I would judge the size of the craft to be about 50 feet in diameter. It would have fit into our driveway area between the house and the barn.
It just hovered there like that for at least 20 minutes.
We could have walked right under it, but we didn't. It did not make any threatening movements or noises. I never felt any sense of danger.
After about 20 minutes of watching it, another disk appeared from behind our house. It looked just like the first one. It was hovering moving very slow and close to the ground, below tree top level. The two of them hovered next to our house for several minutes then moved very slow down {S, SE, or E } into the valley below tree level. they disapeared from our sight behind the trees in the valley. We didn't see them again.
I was flabbergasted and elated at the same time with our experience. . . . 

 The next day I called the airport and spoke to an air traffic controller and asked them if they had seen anything on the radar that night. The man told me he couldn't relate any information about what they see on the radar to the public, even if they saw something unusual he could not talk about it. His response was worded in a way that led me to beleive that they did indeed see something on the radar but could not disclose the information.
I did not report it to the police. . . . 

over the next few days I broached the subject with 3 of our neighbors.
The first was our landlord who lived next to us and I figured if he was awake he must have seen something that night. He was not at all surprised at my story and said that he often saw UFO's in the valley over the years. He had been living at that house all his life . . . He was 72 years old . . . he said he didn't see anything that night.
We did have a lengthy discussion about the UFO's he had seen in the past. It was pretty much the same thing as we had seen, and he added that he had on several occasions found burn circles in the crops.
He said that most of the neighbors around there knew about the UFO's and were ok in talking about it. It was sort of a local rite of passage with new people moving into the area. All the old timers in the area were quite familiar with the phenomenon.
Another neighbor who I frequently went horseback riding with said that it hovered over their house for an hour late that night. They had previous experiences with the UFO's also.
The third person I talked to about it . . . knew about the sightings, but were determined that they wanted nothing to do with it. They were Born Again Christians and seemed to be very threatened by the experiences.

. . . When we lived there we had many storms that produced unusual lightening effects. We where often surrounded by balls of lightening and such intense lightening I would not answer the phone during a storm because the lightening would travel through the lines and ring the phone during storms. I have never experienced such intensity of lightening anywhere else.  . . .  There are also high power lines that run over the top of that hill."

"We don't know one millionth of 1% about anything." Thomas Edison

Monday, December 20, 2010

Disc Photographed In Oregon Recently, And A Description Of A Tall Grey Named 'Garfleen' - He Abducted An Entire Family In 1988

Disc Photographed Near Hillsboro, Oregon on September 28, 2010

     MUFON Case #26446 was reported on November 8, 2010. It was titled 'It came from the west over a row of trees near a residential area shot straight up.'

     "It happened while I was standing in a large unplowed field in Hillsboro, near Highway 26. I had my camera out; I was about to photograph a row of trees because I liked the way they looked, and this craft came over the trees and I snapped the photo. I lowered the camera and the craft had shot straight up and all I saw was a sort of metallic flare on its edge from the sun as it disappeared. "

     ". . . the film processed (it was a traditional film camera). I would guess this thing was at least fifty feet wide because the trees were between forty to fifty feet tall. I have no idea how high this craft was, but it traveled very fast and then almost stopped before it took off. I didn't see any windows or any sign of how it was propelled. It made no sound whatsoever until it shot up, and I didn't hear anything but the traffic on the freeway. There were no other witnesses as far as I know because the traffic was light and no one was in the field but me. . . .".


The following was reported to MUFON on December 15, 2010:

     The date of the event was given as June 1988, and the report was titled “constant abductions, sightings and interactions since 3 and 1/2 1947”

“ . . . they implanted a probe up my rt nostril, when i was a child {Three and a half years old, in 1947 ?}, which i have explicid memories of, as well as the pain and poped my sinus cavity, placing a very small barbed ball in the front of my brain, i guess ,because they would communicate telepathecly with me whenever they chose to.”

1. i was contacted mentally with a vision of where they wanted me to meet them in the everglades. we were on an unlighted back country road coming home from a friends house, suddenley there it was just hovering at aproximately 30-40 feet at the top of pine trees.

2. we all saw it from the car as we approached it hovering, slightly ahead bobbing above the pines

3. we all knew it was a saucer shaped ufo instantly, not of this world

4. disc shaped with a pale yellow glow and a clear domed top, floating and bobbing slightly as it moved alomg the treetops. it was 80-100 yards across. it led us down a side dirt roas that was a dead end at the embancment of the water of the everglades.

5. i was only too familiar with such an event, i said nothing as not to influance the reactions of my wife and daughters, after it came down to hover in the water at the end of the dirt road on the embankment a fog came out of nowhere and covered the car. i began to step out of the car with the opening of the car door and my wife screemed, "no dont",
the next thing i remember i was comming too from the heysterical screaming of my daughters in the back seat, i found myself back in the car once again recalling the abduction of myself and my family.

6. contact me if u need more information, the leader, as ive always known him is about 6' tall, enlarged crainium, huge deep, pure black eyes, no ears, tiny holes for a nose. a thin indescrible mouth, long very thin neck, exceptionally long thin apendages, overall frail looking, and a light grey skin color. i have made a drawing {not included with the report} of the leader who has ALWAYS dealt with me. his name is garfleen.  the ship was still hovering in the water as we attempted, disoriented and freaked out by my daughters begging me to leave. it remained there as we drove away as fast as possible.”

"We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything."  Thomas Edison

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

September 15, 1965 In Louisiana And Arkansas - A Bizarre Abduction and Low Disc

Case 26237 was reported to MUFON on October 31, 2010:
Date : 1965-09-15     Location : Louisiana   

Titled :  Witnessed a flying saucer land and abduct two young girls

     "I have kept this inside of me for 44 years, and I think it's time that I disclose a UFO event, which took place in 1965.
My Brother (who I will refer to as Colorado) and I witnessed aliens abducting two young girls, who lived in the trailer next door. We never told a soul about this encounter, and now that he has passed. I am the only person left to recount the events of that fateful night, which changed our lives forever.

     "We were living near Bossier City Louisiana {between Shreveport and Barksdale Air Force Base, in northern Louisiana}, as our Father was deep underground in the Air Force missile silos, and he worked for days at a time, in these bunkers. He had just come home on a three day leave, and we were so happy to be able to spend time with him.
. . . 

     As the 2 brothers were sleeping, "Suddenly, around 3:00 or 4:00 am we were both awakened by a low thundering sound, and the most brilliantly colored light display, just outside our window, at the foot of our bunk bed. I moved to the window and looked down to see Colorado looking out as well. We both watched a flying saucer land in the field, close to our neighbor's trailer. Our family was very close to these neighbors, and the two young girls living there, were best friends to my Brother and myself. I can't recall their names. But, they were approximately seven and ten years old.
We debated about waking our parents. But were so frightened, and thought if we wake them, and they start turning on outside lights, or walk outside with any weapons. There would be bloodshed, and sheer panic in the trailer park. So, we sat very quietly and simply observed.

     "This flying saucer was about 50 feet in diameter, and had multi colored lights around the perimeter. Everything beneath the craft was distorted and wavy, as it was gently settling down in the dirt field. There were four metal legs that slid down from the craft, with round pads on each. All of the lights on the craft went out, within about 30 seconds, after it landed. But, a light blue glow started to envelope the craft, and it made the area around it glow as well. Then, a ramp slid down from the craft, and a door opened up, and we could partially see inside the ship. There were dull red and orange lights on the walls, and an electrical crackling sound, emanating from the interior. Then the interior lights went out, and the weird sound stopped. Suddenly, a figure started to walk down the ramp, and was followed by another.

     "Now, I think I should mention. Colorado and I were never allowed to watch any science fiction shows or movies, with aliens or spaceships. I had never even seen a drawing or picture of a saucer, before this. . . . .  So, this was truly an adventurous night for us, and definitely something very new.

     "The first two beings walking down the ramp, made their way into the light of our neighbors yard. There was a light on the back of their trailer and their porch. When they got closer to the brighter light, on their porch. We could see that they were dressed in the same color of suits. But the weird thing was, that their skin appeared to be the same color as well. They looked human in shape and size. But moved in a way, that made them function more like robots. Every movement was very smooth and though they were moving about in water. They now remind me of the "Blue Man Group", . . .. Because, they were completely blue all over. 

     "Then, another two beings exited the craft, and they were green. Another two, that were red. Until there were six of them in all. They walked in line, up to the door of the trailer. They all passed right through the door, without opening it!...and that scared the heck out of us. More so, than the landing of the craft. We were asking each other... "Did you see that? What are they going to do with our friends?"
Minutes later, they passed through the door again, and they were leading the two girls, all the way back to their ship. The girls appeared as though they were sleep walking, and even had their eyes closed. But walked just fine, without any help from these strange beings. Now, if you are wondering....yes, the girls passed right through the door, without it being opened too.
Only about five minutes later, they exited the ship and lead the girls back into the trailer. But, when the beings passed through the door, for the last they were coming out. They all crouched down slightly, turned and looked directly at our window. Each one did this in succession, and they smiled....and waved at us! Now at this point, my Brother and myself were in complete shock, and we could have let a dozen flies in our mouths, as our jaws dropped and we were also completely mesmerized! I looked at Colorado and he looked at me. But, we were unable to say a word.

     "They entered the ship, and as the last one went inside, the interior lights came back on. The strange noise started up again, and the door closed. The ramp slid back up inside the craft, and as it slowly lifted off the ground, the four legs retracted up as well. The amazingly colorful lights came back on, around the perimeter of the ship, and it slowly lifted skyward. Until it was about 25 feet in the air. Then, it shot straight up and out of sight in less than a second.
The last being standing at the door of the ship, waved at Colorado and I, before it closed.  . . . Because, that is the lasting image burned into my memory, every since that strange night. My Brother and I talked about that night, possibly thousands of times, before he passed away in 2009. But, we never discussed it with any one else....ever!

     "We tried so hard to see if their was anything different about our neighbor's daughters, after that night. But, we didn't notice anything unusual.

     "The Louisiana UFO event troubles me to this day. More so, than any other event. I have often wondered, if Colorado and I were the actual abductees, and the memory of the girls abduction was planted. But, in any case......... two or possibly even four people were contacted/abducted that night. Of that I am sure! I NEED to find answers to this event some how. Even if it means going to a qualified hypnotist, experienced in the abduction phenomena. I HAVE to know exactly what happened in 1965!
Possibly on a hundred different occasions, I considered filing an official report of this incident, with some organization like MUFON. I wonder if those two young girls are now going through abduction therapy, as adults. So many unanswered questions, and I think about that night, every single day of my life. I need to get this monkey off of my back, somehow...and this helps to finally tell the world about that strange night."


     Bossier City is about 30 miles south of the border with Arkansas. Around 6 hours later that same day, September 15, 1965, a highly credible witness had a close-up view of a disc in Arkansas. The following report was submitted to MUFON in early February 2009. It was entitled 

'Driving into town to buy auto parts and UFO was sitting on the side of the road'

"NOTE: Where the UFO sat, it is had not grown over!!

1) Driving down the road, about 10am on a clear sunny Saturday

2) It was large and sitting just off of the road

3) Didn't know, but it sunk in and we (there were 2 of us) realized it was a 'flying saucer'

4) It was hovering just off the ground, appeared to be spinning, slowly, not hidden by trees but in open, plain sight about 25 meters off the road

5) Shock, awe, scared

6) Drove away like hell

     Its taken over 40 years for me to come out with this. I am a retired military officer, Top Secret Clearance which I held at about this time, as I was working for the Federal Government then as a civilian. I am also a retired IT consultant, consulting to Fortune 200 companies. This has gnawed at me all of my life and its time to open up and talk about it.

     The attached QT movie is quite detailed as I remember this like it was yesterday. . . . "

     The Quick Time movie was not available to me.

     "We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything."  Thomas Edison

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The 5 Species Described in Serpo Releases 23 and 27A

     At the Forums, mention is made of "about 57" known species of aliens. This is my 'specialty', so to say. Most are bi-pedal humanoids, varying in size from a few inches in height up to 15 feet tall. 3 and 4 feet heights are common. 

     Animalian species are usually bi-pedal, with coats of hair, or with various reptilian or amphibian characteristics.

     Insectoids are relatively rare. Robotics and 'blobs' have been reported, as have 'ghostly' bi-pedals.

     Some creatures have been reported with 6 or 8 appendages, some have 2 eyes on separate stems. Headless 'Mothmen' have also been reported. 

     I was very close to a Mothman while on a suburban street next to a golf course. This thing had glowing red eyes, and I could feel its power as it stared me directly in my eyes. It was standing at a sharp turn in a low-speed street, in the late afternoon. I managed to continue making the turn in this street. The young lady in the car behind me was not so lucky. She literally 'freaked out', screaming at it, coming to a stop in her car in front of it, no doubt under its mental influence or control. I was so scared I left right away. I had other pressing concerns and deadlines. I did not become a serious student of other intelligent species until the year 2000.

     I have also seen a Bigfoot. It was a juvenile. It ran just in front of my car in a very remote area. It screamed extremely loudly, in a paralyzingly high pitch, just before he crossed in front of my car. After he left the roadway, he ran through very thick low brush like it wasn't even there. I think it was a game they play, and there was at least one other on the side of the road he ran from. He had reddish-brown hair, and his jaw was much bigger in relation to his face than a human's. This happened in late May 1983. So yes Bigfoot is real.

     I have had other interactions, and sightings of 'Alien' craft. Good looks, not 'a dot in the sky' events.

     Mothman and Bigfoot apparently are native to Earth, that is, lived here for some time. It is also speculated that certain Reptilian species are likewise 'native' to Earth, having lived here and extracted Earth resources for some time.

     A book has been written concerning the various species. It is 'The Field Guide to Extraterrestrials' by Patrick Huyghe, Avon Books 1996. It contains descriptions and drawings of more than 40 species, plus numerous robotic objects. is thought to be an acclimatization project from former members of the Defense Intelligence Agency. The DIA is supposedly in charge of all things 'Alien'.
  Release 27A is allegedly the first of 6 transcripts of audio cassette recordings made of President RONALD REAGAN's briefings with his top level and key advisers on the EXTRATERRESTRIAL subject matter, in early March 1981. 
Here is a relevant excerpt:

"PRESIDENT: Can you tell me how many different species have visited us?

The CARETAKER: At least five (5).

PRESIDENT: Are they all friendly?

ADVISER #1:  . . . we have little intelligence on four (4) of the five (5). We have plenty of intel on the Ebens {a type of 'Grey'} ... gee ... they've given us everything we asked for! They have also helped us to understand the other four (4) species. I'm afraid to say, . . .  but we think ONE OF THE SPECIES IS VERY HOSTILE. 

WM CASEY: Mr President, we have intelligence that would indicate this one (1) species of aliens have ABDUCTED PEOPLE FROM EARTH. They have performed scientific and medical tests on these humans. To the best of our knowledge, NO humans have been killed. But, as ADVISER #1 stated, the intelligence is from witnesses and we haven't thoroughly evaluated this intelligence.

We have captured one of these hostile aliens. 

The CARETAKER: Mr President, the five (5) species are called, Ebens, Archquloids, Quadloids, Heplaloids and Trantaloids. These names were given to the alien's species by the intelligence community, specifically MJ-5. The Ebens are friendly; the Trantaloids are the dangerous ones.

WM CASEY: Mr President, we have a Trantaloid, but it is dead. We captured it in 1961 in Canada and we had it in captivity until 1962, when it died.

. . . the Trantaloids have strange materials ... nothing like [those found on] Earth. These ALIENS CAN IMITATE HUMANS. They CAN LOOK LIKE BLOND HUMANS. However, they are not blond, but UGLY-LOOKING INSECTS.

WM CASEY: They are pretty nasty looking.

PRESIDENT: Well, they would stand out.


[VICTOR: The homeworld of the HAV, the TRANTALOIDS, is the THIRD PLANET out from the star Epsilon Eridani in the constellation Eridanus at 10.5 light-years away. Although somewhat cooler and fainter than our sun, it is very similar. ]"

[SEE: ]

From Serpo Release 23:

"The name of the creature involved in "The Gate 3
was an Archquloid.

The alien is described as one of the "Big Nosed Grays." It was a 5' 6" tall, gray or tan being with large, black, slanted eyes and a
mushroom-like head, with four (4) long fingers. They have yellow eyes with vertical pupils and very large, beaked noses. They are genetically engineered by the Ebens [cloned?] and were given to the U.S. Government for observation/examination/study by the Ebens.

The Ebens showed us creatures they created. Yes, they can clone almost any living tissue into a creature via a method called "rapid-cycle cloning." JROD was a creature created by the Ebens. He was intelligent, contained a brilliant mind and was able to adapt quickly to our environment.

The second creature -- the Archquloid -- was primitive. The second
creature was a form of a slave. It could be controlled, given orders
and was safe, or at least we thought it was safe. The second creature
was controlled by a "BRAIN CHIP," and was functionally controlled by a little black box.

The Ebens provided this creature to us for medical experiments. JROD became frustrated with our efforts to control this creature. The Archquloid creature was able to fully communicate telepathically with JROD. At some point, the creature expressed a desire to be free. JROD released the creature and thus we had 

"The Gate 3 Incident."
There are two (2) common links between each alien group and the Ebens. The first link is that the Ebens discovered each group, civilized them and then CLONED their species with others. . . . basically the Ebens used the DNA of each alien group to CREATE OTHER SPECIES OF ALIENS.

The second common link is the DNA.  Each alien group has the SAME EXACT DNA. How that is possible, we don't know. 

Level 2 at the S-2 facility is where JROD and the other alien [Archquloid] lived.

. . . the name given to the second alien, the one shot [the Archquloid]. The USG named that alien:

The word "Archquloid" was coined by A51 [Area 51] scientists 

The QUADLOIDS were also genetically created by the Ebens. The
Quadloids were cloned from two (2) other species.

This particular "VisItor" {Archquloid involved in killing the human guard at Gate 3} was suffering from a medical
[mental/emotional] condition. Consider the following:

– this creature came to this planet from another solar system;

– traveled about 38 light years [38.42];

– was locked up in a special containment housing complex;

– was shocked by our civilization and our culture;

– was unable to communicate in our language. 

here is the complete list of the alien species the U.S. Government knows of and has catalogued:

1) Ebens = Planet SERPO in Zeta Reticuli

2) Archquloids = Planet PONTEL near the Cygnus Arm

3) Quadloids = Planet OTTO in Zeta Reticuli (genetically engineered "praying mantis" and lizard-like creatures created by the Ebens)

4) Heplaloids = Planet DAMCO near the Cygnus Arm

5) Trantaloids = Planet SILUS in Zeta Reticuli


"We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything."  
Thomas Edison

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Florida's 'Space Coast' - 1964 - Object Causes Mass Mental Effects, Huge Fireball Chased Away From NASA Helicopter By Fighter Jets, Large Egg-Shaped Object With Occupants

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Object Causes Mass Mental Effects

Mufon Case Number 23268 – This part (23273) was submitted to the ‘Last 20 Reports’ site on May 14, 2010:

“Primary witness was a air force pilot for the majority of his life and has never seen anything like it.

“Spoke to primary witness who witnessed a object at Cape Canaveral Beach {actually a small inland beach on the Indian River, near Cape Canaveral} in 1964 with a date. Described it as a steel ball like a steal barring. It had two rings one horizontal the other vertical. Color of the rings were yellow green fuzzy color. At arms length the object was about the size of a tennis ball.

“He noticed the object due to the silence that occurred at the beach area. Looked up and saw the described object. All the people on the beach area were all silent and starring at the object. The object then took off straight up in seconds. The primary witness then described the reaction of the people on the beach as not alarmed but were described as zombie like and all of them began to walk out of the beach area, get in their cars and leave. Even a vendor attached his cart to his vehicle and calmly got in his vehicle and drove off. Ray and his date followed soon after.”

A recorded interview was attached:


Snippets from the interview:

‘it was a Sunday afternoon  - walking west  200-300 people on that narrow stretch of beach

400-500 feet in air     steel ball     real shiny    it had 2 rings

the rings pulsated  - no wobble it just hovered    we watched it for 2-3 minutes     it started to rise slowly     then shot straight up

all real calm as everybody left       all seemed mesmerized 

nothing in papers or TV

it was just hanging there, silent    
surface very reflective – top was reflecting blue sky

at arm’s length – size of tennis ball      1500 ft up max.

on Indian river      just north of Cape Canaveral   

not a cloud in the sky 
1 PM or so     200 or more on the strip of land   kids running and hollering and radios  - everything went quiet all of a sudden

nobody pointing, just standing there looking at it

when it left, everyone like zombies, left

one of the strangest thing I’ve ever encountered in my life

could hear only slight breeze through the vegetation

only thing in the sky’     “just like somebody had just hung it there”

Incident With NASA Capsule Retrieval Helicopter  May 1964

The following report was submitted to MUFON on Jan. 17, 2010:

“In May 1964 My father obtained a job working . . . at the Kennedy Space Center. At the time my family and I were living . . . on the Atlantic Ocean Cocoa Beach. That late evening I went down to the beach and had my binoculars with me just looking over the ocean N. E. and S. to my left or North I could see the Cape Canaveral Pad all lite up for another Gemini missile launch for some future date. I focused my attention to the ocean right in front of me and the Sun was just setting behind th Banana River when I saw a helecoptor about a mile or two of shore out in front of me droping a capsul and practicing retreaving the capsul from the water as one of the neighbors told me it was standard practice.”

“As I watched the stars just start to come out that cold blue sky, the missile pads are well let to the North and Patrick AFB to my right Is lit up as well. I continued to watch the the helecoptor with it running lights on shinging down on the capsule crew below it, when above the helecoptor I saw an increadable fast light what I thought was a star at first or meator like brightness heading straight for the helecptor. It was increadably fast and like a blink of an eye it was over the helecoptor an huge I would say at least a 100 ft and all of this is happning withen 30 minutes between sun set and dark. I just watched with other apartment neighbors on the beach we just stood there stairing.”

“The helecoptor with capsul hanging below it and crew already in the coptor started evesave manuvers away from the bright round object. No one said anything and I thought for sure it was going to crash into the helecoptor because of how close it was and remember I'm watching this through my binoculars. It was fantastic! at least I thought since I was 15 years old. No sooner had the helecoptor started for Cape Canaveral when I looked to my right and saw two jets with full after burners on from Patrick AFB heading for the helecoptor with the bright ball of fire following it. As fast as it took me to turn my attention back to the activity out in front of me, the jets were gaining on the Bright Ball of Fire, and it took off straight up like a flash of lightning and the jets were climbing after it. I was amazed at how fast that fire ball went up and away, it was like the jets were just being toyed with. During the incident some one had gone and called Patrick AFB Military up and as we started to leave the beach and not one person spoke up about what just happened. An MP Vehicles from Patrick AFB pulled up and took statements from everyone who was watching the whole thing. This type of incident happened over the years in Coca Beach many times and just before night launches the ball of fire appeared, all the way up from the Gemini Program to the Saturn one "B" projects. It is something many of us will never forget.”

From ‘On This Day’:  )

1964-06-24 - Vero Beach, Florida – predawn - Fifteen or more disc-shaped objects paced a truck driver and his wife. The discs flew along, tipping back and forth. They formed a V formation, then a circular formation. Finally the objects split the formation and passed on either side of a group of trees. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 1).

1964-09-07  Daytona Beach, Florida – Night   Large Egg with Beings
A silver colored, egg-shaped object with two rows of windows was estimated to be over 200 feet long. Inside 12 "large people" could be seen moving about. The witness was familiar with blimps and aircraft. (Source: Ted Bloecher investigation files, case investigation dated February 11, 1965).

"We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything."   Thomas Edison

Monday, May 17, 2010

Several Interesting Reports Recently Reported, Including One From Police In Dulce, New Mexico

HUNGER STRIKE – Which Changed The World – And May 17th, when ‘EVERYBODY was out demonstrating, except for the Standing Committee of the Politburo.’

     Today in China, all e-mails, blogs, and even all text messages, are considered to be ‘Journalism’, which is strictly regulated by the various governmental units. Not only are these communications regularly ‘harmonized’ – that is, censored, and sometimes willy-nilly deleted, but the State Statutes also stipulate that if these messages contain ‘State Secrets’, then you are guilty of a very, very serious crime.

     This is the modern day “Total Police State” of ‘The Peoples Republic Of China.’ No one is safe there.

     On January 12, 2010, GOOGLE made the announcement that it could not continue to operate in The Peoples Republic Of China under these current draconian conditions. A few weeks later, GOOGLE withdrew from Mainland China to Hong Kong, SAR.

Red Communist Mainland China has long been a favorite of Wall Street.

Wall Street’s avowed spear-carriers on Capitol Hill have long been the GOP.

Suckers Vote Republican.

Liberals, and Anti-Republicans, Support Freedom. 
Conservatives Support These USA and Chinese Police States.

That ‘So-Called Conservatives’ show their faces in public testify to their chutzpah – their unrivaled lack of shame and remorse. What cads!

Recently Reported  Events

1966-08-01  CT  large disc shaped dark - no lights – silent –
moving over home   MUFON Report #23197

“I was in the 7th grade. I was outside on a Sunday evening-about to 'head into the house' to watch TV. We lived in suburban Connecticut, bordered by hundreds of acres of land owned by the Bridgeport Hydraulic Company- there was a large reservoir which I believe was one of the reservoirs supplying water for the greater Brideport area. I was enjoying the night sounds and the cool weather once the sun had set. I noticed something in the sky and looked up to see a very large silent disc (with no lights) moving slowly across the sky not too far above our colonial 2 story home. . . . I kept looking up at the sky when this huge disc moved slowly and silently over our house. By the time my grandmother came out . . . the disc had passed and was 'heading' toward the area where the reservoir was located . . . I have never seen anything else like this and I am now 55 years old. I have never forgotten this image and I often remember the event and am so curious about it...I remember it like it was yesterday although it occurred over 40 years ago!”

Reported on 2010-05-08

“In my teens myself and six other boys had seen what looked like a landed disk about 25 feet in diameter in Orange NJ, by the empty American Radium Corp building, and witnessed several 3-4 foot tall humanoids covered in shaggy black hair with large glowing green eyes. They left cloven foot prints in the snow. This was about 1970.”

Reported To MUFON On 2010-05-06 

1974-06  KY  “In June of 1974 around 6pm a silver disc hovered above me and my mother for approximately 5 mins. then 6 days later in the middle of the night we were awakened by a blinding blue white light”

“Early in June of 1974 on a Sunday evening approximately 6 pm my mother sent me to the corner store for something, as I was driving back I saw a silver disc high in the sky with the sun refelecting on it. I kept my eyes on it as I slowly weaved down the road the 50 or 60 yards to our driveway and pulled in. The disc was desending and getting closer and closer to me. I jumped out of the car yelling repeatedly for my mother and father to get the camera. Mom heard me yelling and came running out of the house . . . By now the disc was silently hovering about 25 to 35 feet above us. It had green and blue lights flashing on and off around a white center underneath it. On the upper part it had circular windows. After approximately three minutes it silently shot off in a southwesterly direction and disappeared in a matter of seconds. We were shocked and in awe of what we had just witnessed . . . Then on that Friday night . . . It was the middle of the night and we were asleep in our beds when I was awakened by a brilliant blue white light that filled my bedroom. It was as if my window had no curtains. Although I was frightened, I believe I could not move. Then the light began to shift and now it was shining through the front door. . . . As soon as that light was off me I jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to mom and dad's bedroom. . . . Mom was awakened by me and the brilliant blue white light. We were very frightened so I got dad's loaded rifle from under their bed. We huddled together on the bed as we watched the shadows shift as the light now was slowly coming through the side windows. From the livingroom then through the diningroom windows and then the kitchen. With the gun cocked and pointed toward the backdoor, I said to mom that if someone comes through that door I was going to shoot them. Then the light went out and we were in the dark. We were afraid to move for sometime, finally we got our nerves up to peak out the windows and didn't see or hear anything . . . This episode lasted approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Mom and I know the light definitely had something to do with our ufo sighting.”

Rptd  2010-05-07

Police Officers In Dulce, NM Witness 3 Craft Upclose

“Mid {19}80’s . . .  Jicarilla Apache Police. . . . Had gone to graveyard shift at midnight w/ another officer and diapatcher. Immediately went to a single females home with the other shift and was informed that a small being was in her house at the foot of the bed with a box shining a laser like red light at her, the other officers knowing it was there shift change left without further investigation. Making fun mind you. She was obviously shaken up and I did notice some electrical malfunctions within her home and her animals, dogs and horses were uneasy. Throughout the night I continued to check on her, once in the early morning I was called to her home, her house was dark and as I entered I could hear her down the hall crying for help. I was informed again of visitors with a light in her home and it seemed strangly quiet. No one to be found in the home or area. In the early morning when the sun comes up when their is light I drove up to the home to make a check I noticed some movement in the brush and trees just west of her home about 15 yards away. I still don't understand what I may have saw, but soon after as I was stepping out of my unit three oval craft in a triangular pattern about the size of a three bedroom home lifted off from behind some juniper trees just 30 yards at the most taking off silently without noise/down drafts, then turn a bright white light and slow went in the direction east towards Chama.NM slowly gain altitude. My other Officer and Dispatcher was witness to this also. Shortly after I heard on the State Police Frequency from Chama about those UFO.s that were being called in to them. I felt completely helpless as a Officer to help someone who asked for help and was unable to assist and protect her in her time of need. It still bothers me today. “

Reported To MUFON on 2010-05-06

2000-07-17  SC  UFO sighted behind house in field off RT.9 between 95 and RT.17 Myrtle beach

"It was night time and my girlfriend and I were traveling from turnpike({I-}95) on rt. 9 towards my mothers house just north of Myrtle Beach, SC."

  {That is a 50 mile stretch of road, from Dillion, SC (home of Pedro’s South of the Border, and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke) to the coast.}

"We both saw around object with red, blue, white, etc. lights going around object. It then lifted up and zoomed west without a sound. I didn't stop to investigate but know what I saw was not public technology. I have told friends up to this point but figured it is time to record the incident. Not first time seeing other worldly crafts either. Ben"

Rptd  2010-05-08

2010-01-26  TX  4.54pm  not seen 21894

“ . . .I will never ever forget what I saw Yesterday. It has haunted me with questions all day today. Approx 6 pm yesterday 5/06/2010, I heard a massive airline leave our small airport. I looked up to see a air-bus with a tan front end and a wierd tail on it. This huge plane was coming out of our municiple airport which is only used for small aircraft. I turned toward my front door while looking up. And to the east approx 1500 ft above my home was a cigar shaped UFO floating by between 60 and 70 mph. It obviously was watching and following this air-bus...I pointed at the craft and said look no wings! No sound! ( you could still hear the sound of the air-bus though).
. . .
The UFO was approx 60ft to 70 ft long, 8 to 10 ft high and approx 15ft wide, moving at a speed of which any of our aircraft would fall out of the sky. It was metallic gray, glistened in the setting sun as it drifted upward keeping a level profile. From the side appearance, it looked like a disc because of the abrupt downward slope at each end of the craft. I watched as the air-bus made a slight left turn into the clouds and the UFO angled in that direction then vanished. But right before it vanished, I got a glimpse of the rear of the craft and it appeared to have an almost octagon shape ( a wide octagon with rounded points) This I cannot say for sure as it was a ways away. It seemed either to be half cloaked or the energy from it made it seem a bit hazy. The following is the records from the airport. It does not show a large airplane leaving our airport! We live In Rogers Arkansas which is a very small town and also the near home of Walmart. I am positive that the UFO was with this airbus ( maybe aiding it up out of the small airport or ?. 

Departures {Listed for that day}: Rogers Muni-Carter Field Airport (Rogers, AR) . . ."  
{That airport has a 6000 ft runway. Larger wide-bodied planes require from 8 to 10,000 ft, depending on elevation}

2010-04-22  OR  “huge-disc shape ufo w-windows all around,center. encased with clouds”

“i was driving back home from doctors appt. in portage,wis.. traveling north on hwy. 16. right outside of the town area limits i noticed something odd in the sky. it was a beautiful sunny and partly cloudy day. taking furter notice of this huge cloud like item. more and more it looked just like a huge disc shape ufo. i noticed what looked like a top and a bottom ring band around its center section. proceeding around it. then i realised that inbetween these bands looked somewhat to be windows. going all around and each seemed to be separated. looked as if it was the same type of metal that those rings around the center were constructed also had a top and bottom to the shape of half a ball.”

“ . . .  more i drove, closer and larger the ufo became.”

“ . . . upon coming up to hwy. 82 in adams county, which crosses a bridge over to juenea county in wis.. i could see that this humonguos ufo craft or mother ship was stationary. directly between these two counties. hovering over the wisconsin river and just south of the hwy. 82 bridge of adams, county. totally flabber gastic over exactly just how huge this thing was. numerous and i mean numerous football fields could have fitting inside this ufo.”

2010-05-07  SC 
"MyFiancee and I were sitting on our front porch enjoying our swing. I stretched my arms over my head as I looked up. I noticed the Big Dipper and an object came into my view covering the Big Dipper. I shouted at my Fiancee to look up. We saw an object moving at a fast rate of speed and move out of our line of sight over the distant tree line.

The object was triangular shaped and dimly glowing a rusty-red color. As a Combat Engineering Officer, I have been trained to estimate size, distance and altitude of a wide variety of objects. I would say the object was anywhere from 100 ft to 1000 ft long depending on altitude. I had no reference point to estimate altitude.

The object flew straight over our heads not making any sounds we could hear disappearing from view over a distant tree line. The time from first sighting to losing sight was about nine seconds.

This statement is true and correct to the best of my abilities.”

Rptd  2010-05-08

"We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything."  Thomas Edison