It was submitted to MUFON and was assigned Case #17224. The second photo is the large unusual object in the top left corner, after 'Adjusting Levels' in Photoshop. Even when the photo is 'blacked out', the right end of the object remains brightly luminous.
But maybe the photo was taken by a tourist, and the object is a climbing jetliner at just the right angle so that the wings are invisible in the photo. Someone familiar with Jakarta would know the common flight paths of jetliners in that region.
I have posted the Indonesia case after researching a case posted to MUFON on August 20. The report included the photo below and a video of "wormrails" or "cloud centipedes". If this is not doctored footage, then the videographer caught a very strange phenomena in the sky over Wisconsin on March 27, 2009.
The report was titled "Speedy Larval clouds-planeless contrails like other 08/09 WI description". Apparently someone else in Wisconsin filed a report a few days ago about seeing a similar 'cloud'. I didn't see that report.
Here is the written report, after my editing. Bold text was part of my editing. The writer/videographer was not driving.
"My sister and I were driving on Interstate highway 94 . . . , we were near
Eau Clair, Wisconsin
I was watching the clouds because I like to, . . ..
I suddenly noticed a tube-shaped cloud going the same speed we were! There were 'legs' like a centipede would have, but they were wispy, mostly. Then I noticed more of them. . . . They were similar to contrails but without planes.
They were eerie, but didn't feel evil. I had a neutral feeling about them, emotionally. But I did get video footage and one regular photo.
After seeing them for about 30 minutes we stopped for gas, angled into a different direction, and I didn't see them again.
They didn't make sharp turns like in the other description.
I'll upload a video - if it doesn't work { it did work }, it can be seen at:¤t=wormcloudnot2x-1.flv
Here is a link to the video at the site listed above.
It is not a long video. The first minute is the most interesting.
Scenario: The 'cloud' is videoed from the moving car as the highway makes a sharp and extended turn to the left. And the video is presented faster than 'real time'. Could that have caused the large and quick separation of the 'cloud' from the surrounding cumulus clouds?
View Larger Map
Vicinity of Eau Claire, Wisconsin
That Same Day, MilJets Chased A "Brilliant Oval" Near San Diego
That Same Day, MilJets Chased A "Brilliant Oval" Near San Diego
Also on March 27 of this year, a "brilliant oval shaped light was seen traveling from the South to North East at a high rate of speed followed by F18's" in Southern California.
In the report submitted to MUFON shortly thereafter, the witness, on a sidewalk in Poway, CA (about 20 kilometers north of San Diego), wrote: "It was a very clear day with no clouds in the sky and a minimal amount of humidity in the atmosphere. . . . I noticed a very bright light appear in the sky." This brilliant light sped towards them at a "very high rate of speed" from the southwest for 10 seconds, then it disappeared.
3 minutes later, 2 Navy F-18 fighter jets "traveling from the North East came to the point where the object disappeared. They circled this area once then continued South West". Shortly a third F-18 arrived, and it lingered in the area where the bright object was last seen by the 2 witnesses.
"The flight path of the three F/18's was well out of normal parameters. As the F/18's approached the area where the object had been they slowed dramatically (no more than 300 knots).These factors, coupled with the fact that their flight path would have put them in direct "Head On" contact with the object as they flew South West and it traveled North East, gave the impression that they were not only looking for what I had seen but had been on an intercept coarse."
"When I first saw the object it was approximately five centimeters across. It had increased to approximately 12 centimeters before it disappeared. It's change in distance to me as well as it motion makes it highly improbable that it was reflected light. The light was not only brilliant but constant and did not shimmer or shake . . . The object made no sound, left no vapor or exhaust trail . . .".
We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything. Thomas Edison
In the report submitted to MUFON shortly thereafter, the witness, on a sidewalk in Poway, CA (about 20 kilometers north of San Diego), wrote: "It was a very clear day with no clouds in the sky and a minimal amount of humidity in the atmosphere. . . . I noticed a very bright light appear in the sky." This brilliant light sped towards them at a "very high rate of speed" from the southwest for 10 seconds, then it disappeared.
3 minutes later, 2 Navy F-18 fighter jets "traveling from the North East came to the point where the object disappeared. They circled this area once then continued South West". Shortly a third F-18 arrived, and it lingered in the area where the bright object was last seen by the 2 witnesses.
"The flight path of the three F/18's was well out of normal parameters. As the F/18's approached the area where the object had been they slowed dramatically (no more than 300 knots).These factors, coupled with the fact that their flight path would have put them in direct "Head On" contact with the object as they flew South West and it traveled North East, gave the impression that they were not only looking for what I had seen but had been on an intercept coarse."
"When I first saw the object it was approximately five centimeters across. It had increased to approximately 12 centimeters before it disappeared. It's change in distance to me as well as it motion makes it highly improbable that it was reflected light. The light was not only brilliant but constant and did not shimmer or shake . . . The object made no sound, left no vapor or exhaust trail . . .".
We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything. Thomas Edison
I do. But I'm not talking..