Tuesday, November 10, 2009

'the sound felt like it was being sucked out of the car' In November 1985, 2 Very Close Encounters With Greys In November 1985

Artist's Rendering of a very close encounter by a night watchman and his wife in Australia
see report below - it made the newspapers in 1985
it was so close, at ground level, the guy said he could have hit it with a rock

On November 1, a credible report was submited to MUFON. 4 witnesses stopped to view a craft very near the road in Massachusetts. It was about 9 pm on November 19, 1985. They experienced an 'Absence of Sound', possibly a product of 'Mental Tampering', reported many times before.

The missing time reported also indicates a probable abduction.

They were on their way to a passenger's relative's house. The windows of the car were all down. The writer was in the back seat and her friend in the front passenger seat. They saw something that was "60-70 ft long with white lights the whole length".

"We saw this huge object really close to the road on the opposite side of the road, Maybe about 20-30 yards away. We had no idea what the thing was so the driver pulled over on that side so we were facing the traffic on the opposite side of the road, but there were no other cars. The lights were so bright, I have never encountered since a light that was so pure. we were like what the F is that.

All of a sudden it started to rise, straight up with no sound . . . , just nothing, no movement under the thing and there were tons of fallen leaves that should have blown around but didn't, there was no more wind and the sound felt like it was being sucked out of the car.

we watched it and I was trying to yell to the driver that this was scary and he needed to get the f outta there, but I couldn't even hear my own voice. It just kept rising and I saw my friend hitting her boyfriend {the driver} but could't hear what she was saying. All of the sudden we started moving, the driver was pulling away and like a huge rush of all sound came whooshing back into the car and I heard my friend yell get the f outta here now! I was trying to shove his seat {the driver} also to get his attention.

We were all freaked out and realized that we thought we were only there for a couple of minutes and it was now 15 minutes later than when we pulled up. we were late getting to her Aunts house but we should have been on time even pulling over for the couple of minutes we thought we had. I didn't even pay any attention to the guy I was with til after and he was real scared too. He said he was yelling too but we all could not hear each other."

1985-11-21 - A photograph was taken of a UFO over Port Chester, New York. It showed only seven lights in a circle. (Source: J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno and Bob Pratt, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 21).

Report concerning the illustration above:

Late November 1985 : Ipswich, Queensland

AUFORN Sighting Form Report
Received: on 21/08/2008

UFO Sighting late November 1985 Ipswich - (QLD)
Time: 2100hrs
Source: Generated by newspaper article.
Witness: Mr. Ken & wife
Number of witnesses present: 2

Sighting Duration: around 2 hours

" . . .  it was around 9.30 at night when the light got close to me. Then it stopped. Then it opened up into a great big orange ball like an orange sun the was orange colour. While I was standing there the top half of it opened up the outer rim of it was like the full moon but only half of it started opening up.

. . . There we saw this little man he came forward to the edge of the opening he was dressed like a little pixie ya know what I mean. I mean he must have had a suit on or something like that, he was only small but he had big eyes he had no ears, he really did look like he had some sort of suit on.

Q: So you think he had suit on over the top of him.

A: Yes I think so it might have been some kind of uniform but it had no buttons or anything like that.

Q: What colour was the suit.

A: It was grey.

It was only meters away from us it was at eye level we didn't have to look up into the sky to look at it, it was right there with us, it was only small.

Q: When the man came close what was he doing.

A: He was just standing there looking at us.

Q; Was the object on the ground.

A; No no it was there just above the ground probably about two feet off the ground.

Q: And the little fella was he on the ground.

A: No he didn't get out."

The night watchman went to call an air force base. While he did, his wife watched as the craft changed into a diamond shape and fly away. That is the image in the lower right of the illustration.

Reported To MUFON in May, 2008:

"I am hesitant to report these events but I have been unable to come up with a suitable explanation for what happened. I feel I need to tell someone and this seems to be the best way to do so.

It was a cold but extemely clear January evening (I think around 8pm but I cannot be sure). {1985-01-18 Great Britian} That night I decided to walk home as the sky was clear and it was just a short 1.5 mile walk down a couple of main roads and across a couple of fields. I set off around 7:30 and got most of the way home without incident. However as I hopped over the stile into the first field I noticed a strange silence, as though someone had put cotton wool in my ears. Unpeturbed I continued on my way towards a solitary tree in the distance . . . as I got closer still I could smell a strong ammonia like odour and the movement was certainly not sheep . . .. As I turned back towards the tree a feeling of dread enveloped me as three strange creatures stood perfectly still in front of the tree and stared straight at me. I stood paralysed by the creatures stare, which seemed to penetrate every inch of my soul. Their eyes were large with a dull iris of white flecks. The rest of their bodies were small, about 3-4ft, I couldnt make much out in the dark but their bodies seemed atrophied in favour of those eyes. I had an intense feeling of fear and I was certain the creatures were malevolant I continued to stand, dumbfounded when one of the creatures lunged forward making an unearthly hissing sound. At this point I turned and ran, not looking back as I was so afraid I would see the creature catching up. Once I got back to the main road I heard a low humming sound which is when I looked up and saw a large v shaped object fly overhead. I cannot be sure if it was connected to the creatures but once it had disappeared I felt much better. I continued my journey home, albeit sticking to the well lit roads. I reached home at 10pm, which surprised me as the journey should have taken less than 45 minutes. To this day I am still haunted by the eyes of those entities and have never told anyone of my experiences until now."

We don't know one-millionth of 1% about anything. Thomas Edison

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